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Rainey is the most affectionate and calm horse.


She is the first to meet you at the gate and will follow you around like a puppy.  The first time we tested her with the flag she stood there like a statue and nothing rattles her.  


Rainey is fancy broke and really builds your confidece.  I love how sweet she is and you almost forget she is a horse how she loves to hang out with you.


Her color is almost hard to describe until you see her in person, her mane and tail are silver and her body is like a bay color with a really interesting tint to it.  


If you want to go out on the trails and have the confidence that nothing will rattle your horse, have any awesome realtionship with a horse that will truly be your partner then you just found your horse!

  • Photo and Video Gallery

  • Breed

    Quarter Horse / Appaloosa

  • Color

    Bay mix

  • Age


  • Gender


  • Hands


  • Discipline



©2024 by J316 Horses

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