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Sonora is a very sought after paint know as "Medicene Hat"

Believed to have special powers, the Medicine Hat horse is a sight to be seen. These beautiful animals are noted for their markings. They have a white face with a colored patch covering their ears and head. This special color was prized in Native American tribes.


Native American legends say that Medicine Hat horses were believed to have the magical ability to protect their riders from injury and death in battle. Additionally, they were said to warn their riders of danger. Other tribes would try to steal these horses in hopes of getting their good luck. For this reason, they were closely guarded.

Medicine Hat horses can have other markings like a ‘shield’ on their chest. Those with one or two blue eyes were prized even more!

Whether they have magical powers or not, there is no mistaking their beauty!


Sonora is currently being ridden by two girls 11 and 12 years old at playday events. 


She is a great kid safe horse that knows the barrel and pole patterns as well as other playday events.


Sonora is so sweet and wants to please.  We have used her for riding lessons for beginners and she takes great care of them.


She is a joy out on the trail, you can saddle her up with no warm up head on out and enjoy a great day on the trails with no issues.

  • Photo and Video Gallery

  • Breed


  • Color

    Black and White

  • Age


  • Gender


  • Hands


  • Discipline

    Barrels, Poles, Playday 

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